IIT Bombay FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2024 September - answersQ

IIT Bombay FOSSEE Summer Fellowship

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The FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2022 is being offered by IIT Bombay’s FOSSEE. You will be given the opportunity to work with FOSSEE for about two months. This is a remote fellowship with ongoing mentoring and assistance.

IIT Bombay FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2022 Details


  • You can be from any college, pursuing any degree, and at any stage of their graduation/ post-graduation. 
  • The only criterion for selection is the successful completion of a useful project. 

Selection Process

  • To register, you have to select one of the project given from the list and fill out the form.
  • Students desirous of getting selected for this Fellowship have to learn a Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) and complete some screening tasks. 
  • These tasks can involve programming/ scientific computing/ conducting awareness workshops/ collecting data that will be of use to the community. 
  • These screening tasks are not very complicated and can be done over a period of two to four weeks.
  • The submitted task will be reviewed by experts/ mentors from the FOSSEE team. 
  • After the review, the top submissions will be selected. The results of the selected fellows will be displayed on the website.
  • You will get the flexibility to work full-time (8 hrs a day) or part-time (4 hrs a day) during the fellowship.

Important Dates

  • Last date of Registration: 7 April 2022
  • Last date of Submission: 11 April 2022
  • Result announcement: 18 April 2022
  • Commencement of the FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2022: 20 April 2022
  • Conclusion of the FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2022: Mid June 2022


  • Opportunity to work with faculty from IIT Bombay
  • Certificate of Fellowship
  • Recognition on the FOSSEE website
  • At the end of the fellowship you may receive an honorarium depending on your quality of work.

Watch the video below to get more details about the IIT Bombay FOSSEE Summer Fellowship program and its details.

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