Introduction to Data Studio 2024 September - answersQ

Introduction to Data Studio

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What is Google Data Studio :

Data Studio is a free tool that turns your data into informative, easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable dashboards and reports.

About this course :

The Introduction to Data Studio online course teaches marketers, business owners, agencies, and data analysts how to visualize data online to gain insights. You’ll learn how to connect your data, create impactful reports, and collaborate with teammates. You’ll gain the knowledge and tools you need to design compelling reports to share with different stakeholders.

Course details :
Course Features :
What You'll Learn :
  • Data Studio overview
  • How Data Studio works
  • Access controls
  • Data Studio Home page
  • Data source overview
  • Report overview
  • Report edit mode overview
  • Connect Data
  • Create a new report and add charts
  • Add and configure report controls
  • Share reports with others
  • Data visualization basics
  • Create and use report templates
Team answersQ
Team answersQ

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