9 Best KodeKloud Alternatives (Free & Paid) (2024)

9 Best KodeKloud Alternatives (Free & Paid)

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KodeKloud is a popular learning platform for developing and honing DevOps skills. The 100+ courses and 880+ labs available ensure you get theoretical and practical experience. However, that doesn’t mean other platforms do not have something better to offer. Learning styles are bound to differ. After all, we humans are a complex species.

It is okay to search for other websites that teach the same skills. Your situation is relatable if you feel flabbergasted when faced with the multitude of alternatives available to KodeKloud. I have seen many people run for the hills and never turn back when they see how many options are available for mastering DevOps skills (or any technical skill). 

Fortunately, we are here to help you narrow the choices and determine which Kodekloud alternative is the best. Do you prefer sites with extensive labs? Would it be better to choose a website with an enviable course collection? You will have an answer to all your questions soon.

People generally say ‘Don’t nitpick’. However, I firmly believe we have that right when selecting a website for learning a skill. So, let’s take the first step in our journey to discover suitable alternatives to Kodekloud without further ado. It will be a journey to remember!

Best KodeKloud Alternatives in 2024

There are many sites like KodeKloud; but, not all of them are worth mentioning here. The honor falls only to nine of the best websites that can compete with KodeKloud without breaking a sweat. Let’s see what each Titan is reputed for and how well they fulfill their claims and promises.

As the name suggests, this website is an excellent choice for acquiring and improving cloud computing/engineering skills. Its cloud playgrounds and (1,800+) hands-on labs ensure you gain practical experience. How much do you remember from the never-ending classes you attended in traditional educational institutions?

If you ask me, I remember nothing. Of course, it will all come rushing back if I take a refresher course. But, that’s not the point. The point is your long-term memory retains only what you learn by doing. That’s why ACG is a great choice. The numerous practice exams and advice on how to improve your skills to pass authentic certification exams are a bonus.

A Cloud Guru DevOps hands-on labs

The 400+ courses equip you with the tools to master Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, AWS, etc. Moreover, the instructors on these platforms are industry experts. However, there has been some discontent among learners regarding content quality after ACG’s acquisition by Pluralsight. So, carefully pick which course you enroll in.

QA, formerly known as Cloud Academy, is another stupendous alternative to Kodekloud. You can enroll in certification preparation courses or choose to skill up through following job role paths. What is the difference? While the former prepares you to meet exam requirements, the latter allows you to go beyond and be job-ready.

QA (formerly cloud academy) courses

QA emphasizes hands-on experience through coding, cloud, and hybrid labs. However, what sets it apart from Kodekloud and other competitors is the apprenticeships. It is an opportunity to get on-the-job and off-the-job training. You gain essential skills and earn at the same time. What’s there to not love about it?

QA offers several courses on AI & ML, Cloud, Data, Software Development, Security, etc. The course content is visually pleasing and is regularly updated. More importantly, new content is uploaded at periodic intervals. As for the instructors, they are great and you won’t regret enrolling in their courses. 

However, some Kodekloud instructors are better than those on this platform. The choice boils down to what you value more: instructors with years of experience (Kodekloud) or practical experience and job readiness (QA).

Whizlabs is a fantastic choice for learning DevOps, cybersecurity, big data, blockchain, and Java. It stands out from its competitors (including Kodekloud) with its exam simulator. It mimics the real certification exams and lets you know the areas you need to improve in. That is, it identifies, what it calls, the skill gap.

A screenshot of Whizlabs course catalog.

The video courses, guided labs, practice tests, exercises, and sandboxes guarantee you will be comfortable with the skills you gain. The instructors are savvy and helpful. But, are they on par with the instructors on Kodekloud? As far as I could determine, the opinions are mixed. 

Looks like you will have to use intuition (in the words of Captain Kirk – a command prerogative) to determine whether they are good enough for you or not. I am just joking. You merely need to make use of the 14-day free trial.

Coursera offers courses on various categories. Its course collection is second only to Udemy’s. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration when I say it can make you the jack of all trades and master of many as well. Graded assignments, guided and unguided projects, courses, degrees, and professional certificates are all available on this platform.

You only have to put in the necessary time and effort to master whatever skill you chose. Almost all the courses on this platform has high-quality content (which is remarkable considering its vast library). So, you don’t have to worry about drudging through hours and hours of maddening lectures.

Coursera Devops Courses

So, what makes it better than Kodekloud? Well, the specialization programs and master track certificates give you the necessary edge to make the cut in your organization (or land a job). The instructors, too, are from reputed institutions. In short, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from enrolling in one of Coursera’s courses.

All roads lead to Rome; similarly, you will end up on Udemy regardless of which skill you choose to learn. I am not kidding. You can easily master any skill you want at a fraction of the cost as long as you are cautious enough to check out the content and reviews of the chosen course. 

Udemy Devops Courses

Udemy has 4500+ courses on DevOps. It is highly illogical to expect all of them to have high-quality content. But, the best ones can give any other platform/website a run for its money (yes, including Kodekloud). 

The instructor quality on Udemy varies just like content quality. However, you can trust popular instructors such as Imran Teli, Edward Viaene, and Vitalii Shumylo, as they consistently upload highly-rated courses. Besides, none of Udemy’s competitors have instructors who have as much fun as Udemy’s instructors while teaching.

edX is another online learning platform that aims to help you improve your business, technical, and writing skills. You can opt to enroll in a course for free and upgrade to the paid version later or purchase the course in the beginning instead of waiting. Of course, not all courses have free versions. 

However, almost all courses have great content and reputable instructors from universities. Some courses and programs are designed by tech giants like Google and AWS. The platform has both self-paced and instructor-led courses.

A snapshot from edx

The tricky thing about edX is that if you enroll in a course for free, you have to complete it within the specified time. Otherwise, you lose access to it. Moreover, certifications and graded assignments are available only if you pay.

Despite this, the only advantage Kodekloud has over edX is that it is specifically designed for those who want to seriously pursue a career in DevOps or cloud computing. The instructors have been in the field for years and provide valuable insights into the industry’s workings.

Udacity is a familiar name to anyone looking to level up their technical skills. The platform offers several courses on data science, cloud computing, AI, programming, etc. It has great courses, interesting projects to build your portfolio, and knowledgeable instructors. So, what’s the big deal? Don’t all top technical skills learning platforms have that?

You are right. However, Udacity is different because of its nanodegrees. They ensure you have the necessary tools to meet your career goals. Case studies, experiments, and prompt feedback on your projects to ensure you get it right, and, in some cases, impeccable mentorship allows you to face real-world scenarios with a grin on your face.

A snapshot from Udacity

In short, the benefits of choosing Udacity are sufficient to justify passing over Kodekloud. That doesn’t mean one site is superior to another. They just attract different groups.

Pluralsight Skills is a wonderful way to develop or hone your technical skills. It is a great platform to learn from whether you want to learn to code using Python, R, Java, or Ruby, know more about AWS, Azure, software development, ML, IT Ops, or Kubernetes, or simply play with PowerShell, Linux, or virtualization techs.

A snapshot from pluralsight

The noteworthy feature of Pluralsight is the skills assessment tests. You get custom recommendations based on your strengths and weaknesses as determined by the assessment. It is quite common for people to be perplexed when trying to acquire a new skill or upskill. It is challenging to ascertain where one stands and where to start. 

That is why this feature is significant. Learning paths are useful, but knowing what needs to be improved specifically goes a long way in improving your confidence and self-assurance. However, Kodekloud is a much better choice than Pluralsight. It does a better job of aiding you in the quest for upskilling despite the fact instructors on both sites are industry experts.

Guess what? Linux Foundation teaches you everything related to Linux. I know, I would feel like grabbing something and throwing it at my laptop screen if I read that, too. But bear with me. You can learn systems administration, cloud & containers, Linux kernel development, and Blockchain on this site.

Linux Foundation also provides courses on networking, cybersecurity, devops & site reliability, and app & embedded development. Fortunately, the platform also offers free online courses besides its subscription-based courses.

linux foundation Devops IT professional program

Therefore, it is a fantastic option for those looking for a free Kodekloud alternative. It neatly categorizes courses as self-paced and instructor-led. You can also check whether the courses have certifications or are merely intended for training. I love the platform’s UI; it’s aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate.

The Linux Foundation Training and Certification team has subject matter experts as instructors. It is also often on the lookout for promising instructors. However, Kodekloud is a far better option if you want industry experts or experienced instructors to teach you.

Things to Consider When Choosing a KodeKloud Alternative

As Hercule Poirot says any chance he gets, order and method (besides his ‘little gray cells’) are the keys to success. We will analyze what Kodekloud’s competitors offer and which areas they excel in. 

Are the instructors competent? Is the content quality good enough? Is emphasis placed on theory or practice? After all, we don’t want an instructor like Umbridge from harry Potter going on about understanding theory and theory alone. 

Another important thing to consider is whether the courses on the sites similar to Kodekloud can help career growth. Once we determine what unique benefit each website provides, we will walk you through the pros and cons of choosing each.

Final Words

Now that we have covered all nine alternatives to Kodekloud, enjoy exploring them all to find out which one suits you. Remember, it is important to have fun while learning. Therefore, pick the website that has instructors whose words resonate with you and course materials that entice you to keep returning. Let me know which Kodekoud alternative you choose!

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