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Coursera Plus - Get Unlimited Access to 7,000+ Online Courses
Coursera Plus - Get Unlimited Access to 7,000+ Online Courses
Free Courses with Certificate in Coursera
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Coursera have been running some offers in recent times through which everyone can get some top quality courses from world’s most prestigious universities and companies for completely free.
In that way, you still have an opportunity to get complete access to these 5 courses mentioned below for free. And you can also earn a certificate for free after completing these courses.
1. COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers
Offered by: Stanford University
Duration: 6 hours
What You’ll Learn:
- Learn key features of COVID-19 and common presenting symptoms.
- Prevent COVID-19 transmission to healthcare providers and other individuals.
- Assess and give immediate care to patients in acute respiratory distress to prevent worsening.
- Provide advanced management and stabilization of patients in severe respiratory distress, including early ventilator management.
2. COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Offered by: Johns Hopkins University
Duration: 7 hours
What You’ll Learn:
- Describe the natural history of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the presentation of COVID-19, and evidence for how it is transmitted.
- Define an infectious contact and timeline for public health intervention through contact tracing.
- Demonstrate the utility of case investigation and contact tracing, identify common barriers, and possible strategies to overcome them.
- Present some ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation and quarantine.
3. Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Offered by: Johns Hopkins University
Duration: 3 hours
What You’ll Learn:
- Identify and calculate metrics and indicators that can be used to measure the impact of contact tracing programs
- Use an interactive decision support tool to quantify the potential impact of testing and contact tracing strategies on reducing transmission.
- Strategize about how to improve the impact of contact tracing programs
- Understand underlying assumptions used by the tool to estimate the impact of contact tracing programs
4. Strategies for Assisted Living Communities during COVID-19
Offered by: Johns Hopkins University
Duration: 10 hours
What You’ll Learn:
- Develop comprehensive emergency preparedness plans related to COVID-19 practices and procedures
- Employ effective COVID-related infection prevention strategies and communication methods within your community
- Understand effective testing strategies and the utility of contact tracing and cohorting within Assisted Living Community settings
- Identify methods for promoting staff and resident well-being during COVID-19
5. Strategies for Senior Housing Communities during COVID-19
Offered by: Johns Hopkins University
Duration: 10 hours
What You’ll Learn:
- Develop emergency preparedness plans related to COVID-19 policies, practices and procedures
- Employ effective COVID-related infection prevention strategies and communication methods
- Understand regulations around managing occupancy, community access, and behavior
- Identify methods for promoting staff and resident well-being during COVID-19
Watch the video below to get more details about the registration process and on how to enroll in these free online courses offered by Coursera.
To get more free online courses – Click Here