DataCamp Vs Dataquest: Which is Better for You? (2024)

DataCamp Vs Dataquest: Which is Better for You?

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Remember Helen Hayes’ quote – “The expert at anything was once a beginner”, when you start learning data science.

Developing and honing data skills is a life-long process. New trends and practices emerge at the exact moment you feel that you have grasped the fundamentals. 

However, you aren’t the only one going through this. Others who have gone through the same harrowing experience feel that the key to successfully learning any skill is choosing a learning platform you are comfortable with.

Do you need instructors to explain everything step-by-step? Or is it enough if you receive to-the-point instructions? And, there is the question of what additional learning resources you need. Do you want to quench your thirst for knowledge or build your resume?

Thousands of seemingly minor questions determine which platform is best for you. In this DataCamp vs Dataquest debate, we will answer all those questions to help you pick the superior website.

About DataCamp and Dataquest

DataCamp is an online learning platform that helps you tap into the powers of data and AI through various programming languages, Power BI, ChatGPT, etc.

A snapshot from DataCamp

Dataquest is an e-learning platform that emphasizes project-based learning to master data science. Both platforms are highly regarded, but only one will emerge as the victor today.

Dataquest career paths

Key Features Comparison

You will know whether to choose Dataquest or DataCamp once you finish reading our DataCamp vs Dataquest review. We won’t harp on about why you should pick one over the other but provide you with the necessary facts so that you can make up your mind. Of course, we will offer our opinions to help guide you, but the final decision is yours. 

Course Offerings

Dataquest has 100+ courses in data science, Python, SQL, Power BI, Gen AI, Excel, etc. Moreover, it has 7 career paths and 18 skill paths. On the other hand, DataCamp has 490+ courses on various topics such as data visualization & manipulation, probability & statistics, machine learning, data preparation & engineering, artificial intelligence, etc.

It also has courses for learning R, Spark, Python, Power BI, SQL, Julia, Snowflake, BigQuery, Kubernetes, etc. Therefore DataCamp easily wins in the ‘DataCamp or Dataquest for data science’ debate. However, the result changes if we take a closer look and focus on specific topics. 

For example, let’s discuss the ‘Dataquest vs Datacamp for Python’ debate. Though DataCamp has more courses for Python suitable for all learners, Dataquest has succinct courses and mind-blowing projects. What would you prefer? Listening to an instructor drone on and on about strings, lists, and dictionaries, or working on cool projects?

Therefore, the answer is obvious; Dataquest wins. However, the scales tip again in DataCamp’s favor when considering the ‘DataCamp vs Dataquest for R’ debate.  DataCamp has more interesting projects (you can predict taxi fares, analyze level difficulties in Candy Crush, etc.) and the courses are considerably more than those on Dataquest. 

✅ Winner – DataCamp

Content Quality

Dataquest and DataCamp have stellar content for all their courses. These platforms can’t be as popular as they are and have sub-par content. The backlash will be severe. Both platforms update their content according to the trends in the data science field. Therefore, one platform isn’t inferior to the other in this round.

✅ Winner – Both

Instructors Experience

You don’t have to listen to long-winded video lectures to learn on Dataquest. Instead, you learn through guided projects, in the browser coding, and practice exercises with crisp instructions. You may balk at the thought of learning without videos, but it is quite an interesting experience.

Dataquest lessons

On the other hand, subject matter experts teach the courses on DataCamp. Their passion shines through in each lesson, and you feel they care whether you understand what they teach. Therefore, which platform you pick – DataCamp or Dataquest – depends on how important instructors are to you.

✅ Winner – DataCamp

Learning Methods

You can learn on DataCamp through video lectures, podcasts, blogs, cheat sheets, competitions, etc.  On the contrary, Dataquest has only crystal-clear written instructions and explanations. It is challenging to compare the learning methods of these two websites, as they are so different (but both offer AI assistance while coding). 

However, in terms of effectiveness, both platforms have equal footing. That’s why there is no clear victor in this round in the Dataquest vs DataCamp battle. I like that DataCamp provides additional resources to learn. So, I am giving this round to DataCamp purely because of personal preference.

✅ Winner – DataCamp

Practical Focus

This round is crucial for deciding ‘Which is better DataCamp or Dataquest?’, as practical experience is essential for mastering any skill. Both websites prioritize practical focus and provide several practice exercises and projects to hone your skills. However, Dataquest has more extensive exercises to help you code.

Moreover, it has stellar guided projects to work on. It would have been awkward if it didn’t have interesting projects as it claims its learning program is project-based. You can build a food ordering app using Python, visualize life expectancy using Power BI, and create a database for crime reports using SQL. 

The portfolio projects are phenomenal, too. You can learn to analyze data on helicopter prison escapes, predict the weather, and build a movie recommendation system using Python. Many more projects await to be explored. DataCamp has some great projects; but, they are not as interesting as Dataquest’s.

✅ Winner – Dataquest

Certification Value

‘DataCamp vs Dataquest Certificate’ is a hot topic I don’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole. However, I must discuss it to help you decide whether certification from either platform can help you get a job. While it’s true that certificates issued by either website increase your chances of landing a high-paying job, they don’t guarantee a job. 

DataCamp tries to stand apart from its competitors with Data Scientist and Data Analyst certifications (you need to pass an exam to be certified), but I don’t think it affects the likelihood of you getting the job you are after much. Whether you earn a certificate of completion or a certification doesn’t matter. It’s your considerable knowledge that counts.

✅ Winner – Both

Customer Support

DataCamp provides better customer support than Dataquest. The ‘Help’ articles are much more useful and I prefer DataCamp’s AI assistant to Chandra (Dataquest’s AI assistant). Moreover, it feels like Dataquest does its best to keep us from submitting a ticket.

It keeps showing articles it thinks will help us and even recommends asking Chandra for help before submitting a ticket. This can be incredibly frustrating when it was the AI assistant who directed us to the Help Center in the first place

✅ Winner – DataCamp

Pricing And Value For Money

Affordability vs quality is a sore subject, as many affordable platforms don’t have high-quality content. Fortunately, that’s not the case here; however, Dataquest’s pricing is a bit on the expensive side. Is that a bad thing? Wouldn’t you happily pay for the interesting projects you get to work on?

Dataquest subscription

I agree that the monthly plan is high ($49/month), but the annual plan is reasonable ($24.50). The lifetime plan ($823.20) is a great option for life-long learners.

DataCamp’s subscription pricing stands at $29/month (the yearly plan costs $13/month). This pricing is great considering the additional resources you get besides the fantastic courses.

DataCamp subscriptoin

✅ Winner – DataCamp


DataCamp has an excellent community on Slack. You can ask any technical course-related questions and connect with your fellow learners. However, I find it incredibly frustrating that the free version users can’t access the Slack Community. 

Dataquest has a similar thriving community, but it is open to free and premium version users. Therefore, in the DataCamp versus Dataquest battle, the latter wins in this round. The verdict isn’t simply based on accessibility. I prefer Dataquest’s well-organized community forums. It has separate sections for announcements, sharing, and Q&As.

A snapshot from Dataquest community.

✅ Winner – Dataquest

User Interface

I loved Dataquest’s UI right up to the point where the code editor in the Power BI course stopped working. It doesn’t work no matter how many times I reload or restart the damn thing. The support articles are vague and unhelpful. Ugh! However, the code editors in other courses are working fine. Overall, the UI is pleasant and easy to navigate.

DataCamp’s UI is much better than Dataquests. At least the code editors run smoothly and the pages load pretty fast. You can also navigate the platform without trouble. If it’s not clear yet who won this round in the Dataquest versus DataCamp battle, it is undoubtedly DataCamp.

✅ Winner – DataCamp

User Feedback

Dataquest needs to improve its code editor and maybe look into reducing its subscription prices. DataCamp must think about providing more interesting projects for the users to work on. Other than that, no major changes are required on both platforms. After all, the courses are well-structured and the content is awesome.

✅ Winner – DataCamp

Who Should Use DataCamp?

DataCamp is an excellent option if affordability plays a major role in your decision. It is one of the best websites for learning data science; therefore, it is a good choice if you want to become job-ready. Moreover, DataCamp is suitable if you value video lectures more than guided projects.

Who Should Use Dataquest?

You will love Dataquest if you like learning through guided projects. I have never seen a website with so many fascinating projects before. It’s also helpful to those who need to hone their data skills within a short time. After all, its career paths are designed to help you master the required skills in 3 – 9 months.


Codecademy is a great alternative to DataCamp and Dataquest, and it has a mix of free and paid courses, unlike these platforms. Udemy is ideal for those searching for a vast course library. 

Coursera is a trustworthy, reputable platform that provides accredited certification, and its subscription plan is similar to Dataquest’s. Udacity, Pluralsight, 365 Data Science, and Treehouse are other alternatives you won’t regret exploring.

Final Verdict: DataCamp vs Dataquest

I hope this detailed DataCamp vs Dataquest debate has been helpful. Briefly put, choose Dataquest if you value exciting and useful projects more. Pick DataCamp if you need clear explanations from instructors and valuable feedback.

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