Learn the Architecture Of TikTok by Scaler 2024 September - answersQ

Learn the Architecture Of TikTok by Scaler

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Scaler Academy is conducting a free online masterclass on the topic of Discover The Architecture Of TikTok.

Top tech companies like, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Flipkart, test you based on your knowledge and expertise of System Design. Cracking System Design interviews are tough, where usually you will be required to generate the High-Level Design of an app.

Masterclass Details:

  • Title: Discover The Architecture Of TikTok
  • Speaker: Anshuman Singh, Co-Founder of Scaler
  • Host: Scaler Academy
  • Date: May 9, 2021
  • Time: 05:00 PM IST
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: All attendees will get a certificate from Scaler Academy! Please be careful while entering your details while registering since they will go on your certificate.
  • Delivery Mode: COMPLETELY ONLINE. Attend from where you are!

What You'll Learn:

  • Learn to define minimum requirements for a short format video sharing app
  • Design the content delivery for a media heavy system
  • Understand how Tiktok delivers content which loads quickly
  • Learn the right design choices as the app scales for a global user-base
  • Bonus Takeaway (if time permits)- Have a sneak-peek into the recommendation mechanics behind TikTok
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