Technical Content Writing Event by GeeksforGeeks 2024 September - answersQ

Technical Content Writing Event by GeeksforGeeks

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GeeksforGeeks is conducting a technical writing event through which you can get internship, cash prize, coupons and a lot more. 



Name: Technical Scripter Event

Conducted by: GeeksforGeeks

Task: To write and submit Technical Blogs or Articles based on any topic in the computer science world like trending technologies, programming languages, etc.

Last date to submit: 19 January 2021

NOTE: There are no eligibility criteria or entry fees to participate in the event.


Sample Topics for writing your blog:

  • Algorithms & Data Structures
  • Competitive Programming
  • Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Perl, Ruby, Scala, Go, Web Technology, etc.)
  • Machine Learning, Big Data & Hadoop and Data Science
  • Computer Science Subjects
  • Tech Tips and Tricks
  • Linux Hacks
  • Secure Coding
  • Technical Blogs
  • Design based articles
  • Cracking Technical Interviews
  • Android
  • School Learning

Benefits and prizes:

  • In-office internship opportunity for top 50 participants.
  • Goodies and ₹500 coupon to all participants.
Cash Prize:
  • 1st Place: INR 10,000 
  • 2nd Place: INR 7,500 
  • 3rd Place: INR 5,000
  • 4th Place: INR 2,000
  • 5th Place: INR 2,000 


Watch the video below to get more details about the Technical Scripter Event 2020 By GeeksforGeeks.

For more details and registration link:

Team answersQ
Team answersQ

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