15 Best JavaScript Courses on Udemy 2025 January - answersQ

15 Best JavaScript Courses on Udemy

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Front-end development deals with developing the graphical UI of a website using which the visitors can interact with the website. Apart from HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the most important languages used here. It helps enhance the quality of interaction happening on the website by letting visitors respond on the webpage quickly and in a simple manner. These interactions are important to make a webpage act live smoothly and attract more visitors. Its popularity could also be attributed to the fact that it is supported by most browsers out there. 

With increasing digitalisation in business and otherwise, there is also a constant demand for JavaScript experts. Check out the list we have curated here of all the best JavaScript courses on Udemy.

15 Best JavaScript Courses on Udemy

You will be learning from the fundamentals of JavaScript, data structures, modern operators and strings, asynchronous JavaScript, modern tools and many other things. There are over 50 projects and assignments to test what you learn from the course so you understand practical applications as well. This course is suitable for beginners and hence no prior experience is assumed. It would be beneficial to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, if not, this course already carries a crash course on them anyway.

Duration – 69 hours

This course will walk you through the working of JavaScript and through this, you can improve your skill at debugging. Some of the advanced concepts this course covers include prototypical inheritance, functional programming, function expressions, IIFEs etc. This is an advanced JavaScript course. So you are expected to have a basic Javascript knowledge of things like variables, loops etc.

Duration – 12 hours

In this course, you will be starting to learn about the fundamentals of JavaScript and go up to advanced topics on Asynchronous JavaScript, DOM Manipulation etc without relying on frameworks or libraries. It also comes with 10 projects for different kinds of practical learning. This course is suitable for beginners. Only basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is required.

Duration – 21.5 hours

This comprehensive course will be a great start for beginners. It covers everything about JavaScript from scratch very extensively. The instructor has included Node.JavaScript, asynchronous and well as synchronous programming, and automated testing here too. Everything covered in this course is enough knowledge to get into an entry-level job as a developer. No prior knowledge is assumed. Again. HTML and CSS would help your learning experience but it is not mandatory.

Duration – 52 hours

This beginner’s course in JavaScript walks you through the basics of variables, constants, objects and also operators, control flow, objects and arrays. There are over 30 exercises to help you understand the practical use of JavaScript. By the end of this course, you will be able to write JavaScript code by applying the best practices and learn how to avoid common mistakes. No coding experience is required to take up this course.

Duration – 7 hours

The instructor of the course starts from the basics till you are able to build your own web application. It also teaches you how to debug mistakes in your code. There are 3 real-world projects and as many as 80 programming challenges to help you gain elementary experience in coding. The three applications you will learn to build over the course duration are a note-taking app, a to-do application and a hangman game app. In addition to it, the course is also regularly updated frequently. This is a beginner’s course, no experience is assumed.

Duration – 30 hours

In this course, some of the topics covered include JavaScript Engine and Runtime, writing optimised code, ES6 to ES 2021, Scope Chain, Error Handling, Event Loop etc. The instructor is a certified expert who has worked in some of the big organisations- Google, Apple, and JP Morgan, to name a few. This extensive course is very simplified. This is an intermediate course so at least a minimal knowledge of JavaScript is assumed.

Duration – 25 hours

In this course, you will be taught the JavaScript language from the basics, the web browser, node.JavaScript and MongoDB environments. There is also a coding exercise and multiple projects that you will have to do on your own as a part of this course. No prior knowledge is assumed so this course is suitable for beginners.

Duration – 28 hours

In this course, you will be gaining insights into some of the new features introduced with ES6. The course will also teach you the application of Syntax, new APIs etc. This is not a beginners’ course so basic knowledge of Web Development, HTML and CSS are mandatory. Although advanced JavaScript knowledge will help you move more smoothly through the course, it is not a necessity.

Duration – 6 hours

This practical course will teach you the usage of ES6 and its latest features like generators, arrow functions etc and how it differs from ES2015. You will start learning the purpose of Babel and the reason why ES6 came into existence. By the end of the course, you will be able to differentiate between rest and spread operators. This course is very exhaustive in itself for how-to teaches you the use of each syntax and its function in the language. The instructor goes into great detail as they cover the scope of their expertise. This course is not for beginners. It could be rated intermediate or advanced. Hence the learners are expected to already know about the basics of JavaScript.

Duration – 6 hours

This is a partially practical course with many exercises to work on as you learn. You will be learning about the basics of variables, functions, built-in objects and operators etc. There are also modules where the instructor covers in great detail Arrays, Objects & Prototypes and many such core features. Through this, you will be able to write modern and reactive websites. This course is for beginners. No prior experience is assumed. Basic knowledge of HTML and how web pages work would be useful.

Duration – 7.5 hours

This course will walk you through the basics of JavaScript, this does not cover any advanced concepts. This is the ultimate course for beginners. You will learn JavaScript syntax, Objects & Arrays, Conditionals, Functional Programming, Algorithms etc. There are several exercises that you can practice by using Google Chrome developer tools. There are several other mini-practice projects like building a Celcius to Fahrenheit converter, interactive web pages, games, trackers and other fun stuff to put into practice what you have just learnt. As this course is for beginners, no knowledge or exposure to coding is assumed. You also learn how to build a portfolio page with HTML and CSS.

Duration – 37 hours

This course will revise you and clearly explain some of your vague knowledge or misunderstanding of JavaScript. The instructor will cover things like Types & Equality, Scopes, Destructuring & Looping, Object Orientation and Asynchronous Programming. Soome advanced concepts are also taught with respect to Networking and Event Handling. This course is in a different format- that of an interview as the instructor believes it helps in learning better.This is not for beginners you are required to already have some understanding of JavaScript.

Duration – 6.5 hours

This course kickstarts with the basics and aims to teach you some advanced topics- such as Object Oriented programming and real-time databases as well. The instructor has also included some fun exercises in the form of web-page manipulation, interactive forms, popups etc. Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is assumed. This course is suiable for beginner front-end and back-end developers.

Duration – 20.5 hours

With two instructors teaching you two different sections, the course is divided into two parts. The first one dels with basic syntax of JavaScript. There are also small projects that completes the practical component of the course. The second part is mostly practical learning. You will be building JavaScript applications like e-commerce web app. With two sections, the course covers the most necessary elements of the language. This course is for complete beginners. No prior knowledge is assumed. 

Duration – 52 hours

If you have managed to find the right one for you from this list of best javascript courses on Udemy, start learning today!

Disclaimer: This blog is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy through those links, you won’t pay anything extra and I’ll also receive a small commission on a purchase. 
